Few technologies have the ability to stir passionate online debate and baffle the vast majority of the population like bitcoin. It is a virtual currency which has been source of confusion since it has been introduced in the market. As we see Bitcoin's worth keeps on increasing and now people who had vast amount of Bitcoin during its introduction are now millionaires. Is bitcoin the future currency? Is it even a currency? What is it for? Should I buy some? Following are some answers to the questions. Satoshi Nakamoto, an anonymous internet user, invented bitcoin in 2008 before it went online in 2009. Without conclusive proof many attempts to identify Satoshi have been made. Bitcoin is a digital that uses decentralized technology for secure payments and storing money that doesn't require banks or people's names. It was announced on an email circular as a way to liberate money. People see value in money independent from government control and from fees charged by ban...
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