Stopping a Skynet scenario before it begins. In Sci-Fi movies we always see how fast advances are made in artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies and then AI goes rogue and becomes danger for Humanity as machines rise up and turn against humans. Now all this Sci-Fi stuff we ever imagined just came one step closer to reality as Facebook had to shut down one of its Artificial intelligence (AI) program after things got out of hand: AI went rogue and invented its own language. This happened days after a verbal spat between Facebook CEO and Musk who exchanged harsh words over a debate on the future of AI : Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that artificial intelligence (AI) was the biggest risk and Musk tweeted "I've talked to Mark about this (AI). His understanding of the subject is limited,". It was found that AI bots "Bob" and "Alice" dumped English and created their own language to communicate with each other. The conversation was ...
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